About the author: |
Zhurakivska O.Уа. |
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Type of article |
Научная статья |
Annotation |
The research is devoted the study of morphofunctional organization of pituitary- neurohypophysis system in the later stages of streptozotocin diabetes. To study it was used the hypothalamus and neurohypophysis of 40 Wistar male rats of 3 - and 24-months. In the later stages of streptozotocin diabetes in 24 months animals the vacuoles dystrophy of neurosecretory cells, the gliocytes resorption of affected neurons, significant decrease in bulk density neurosecretory granules in light and dark cells of investigated nuclei compared with controls (p <0.01) were appeared. In the 3 month animals in the hypothalamic-neurohypophysis system the adaptive-compensatory processes available, which are characterized by increasing of functional activity of neurosecretory cells and increased of bulk density of neurosecretory granules by diffusing and residual types in the neurohypophysis, that leads to reduce hyperglycemia on 70 day. |
Tags |
diabetes mellitus, neurosecretory cells, neurohypophysis |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №3(34), 2012 year, 31-36 pages, index UDK 611.814.1+611.814.3+ 616.379-08.64 |