About the author: |
Lutsenko R.V. |
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Scentific article |
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The aim of research work is investigate the effect of derived 2-oxyindol-3-glyoxylic acid sleep caused by the introduction of thiopental sodium. Materials and methods. In experiments on rats of both sexes mature Wistar line the effect of derived 2-oxyindol-3-glyoxylic acid laboratory cipher 18, 18-4, 18-5, 1-F and G on the anesthetic effects of thiopental sodium (50 mg / kg). Results. Found that compounds 18 and 1-F potentiate and prolong hipnohennu activity of barbiturates. Substances 18-4 and 18-5 only potentiate the effect of thiopental sodium anesthesia. |
Tags |
derived 2-oxyindol-3-glyoxylic acid, thiopental sodium, potentiation, prolongation |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №3(39) 1 part 2013 year, 030-032 pages, index UDK 615.012/014:615.214 |