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  • Article
    Vakhnenko A.V., Moiseeva N.V.


    About the author: Vakhnenko A.V., Moiseeva N.V.
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a significant problem in modern medicine since the prevalence and mortality from the disease is constantly increasing. Today it’s well known that the basis of the pathogenic action of contaminated air pollutants is oxidative aggression of the airways reactive types of oxygen, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur and other free radicals, which leads to activation of lipid peroxidation and damage to biological membranes, including immune cells. Previously, it was found that the development and progression of COPD accompanied by inhibition of systemic and local immune defense of the bronchial tree against respiratory viruses and bacterias. Today the well-timed prescription of special drugs to patients with exacerbation of COPD is very important, because its provide the activation mechanisms of self-regulation, adequate immune response, improving the barrier function of the bronchial mucosa. The article presents the facts about immunological blood test of 47 patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease stage I-II . 20 of them obtain the standard therapy, and 37 - along with standard treatment used Glutoxim within 10 days, which has immunomodulating, bronchodilator, desensitizing, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. The patients of clinical group were divided into two subgroups depending on the initial value of immunoregulatory index and type of T-cell immune disorders. Application of the Glutoxim was effective in the subgroup with low immunoregulatory index, caused mainly T-helper immunodeficiency, which confirmed the statistically significant increase in the total number of lymphocytes, populations of CD3 + - lymphocytes, CD4 + - cells, CD16 + - lymphocytes, lymphocyte proliferative activity in RBTL. Its an indication of a positive effect of this treatment on the immune response. Consequently, the observed decrease of T-cell immunodeficiency, accompanied by a statistically significant normalization of the immunoregulatory index. In the subgroup with high immunoregulatory index, caused mainly T- suppressor immunodeficiency, which confirmed the statistically significant increase in the population of CD3 + - lymphocytes subpopulation of CD8 + - lymphocytes, CD16 + - lymphocytes, accompanied by a statistically significant normalization of the immunoregulatory index. The phagocytic activity of neutrophils is noticeable improve in both clinical subgroups - statistically significant increase in FI and SF. Much less pronounced changes were observed in humoral immunity link patients in both subgroups of clinical group and was noted a downward tendency in the number of B cells : populations of CD22 + - lymphocytes in subgroup A, subgroup B although this figure was statistically significant. In both clinical subgroups was marked statistically significant increase in IgA and reduction of circulating immune complexes was accompanied by a tendency to decrease in IgG and IgM. These changes were quite expected result from the short period of observation. Glutoxim drug-therapy proven to be effective in patients with low immunoregulatory index, which is due mainly T-helper immunodeficiency. Glutoxim proven to be effective in patients with high immunoregulatory index, mainly due to T- suppressor immunodeficiency. That’s why immunomodulatory drug therapy may be considered as Glutoxim pathogenic addition to standard treatments for COPD I-II stages. Which has led to a significant improvement in all parameters of quality of life of patients. All the data was beneficial not only to the quality of life of patients, but also led to compliance adjustment.
    Tags chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, immune status, immunomodulatory therapy, Glutoxim
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(41) 1 part 2013 year, 014-019 pages, index UDK 616.24-002.2:615.37