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  • Article
    Kochina M.L., А.V.Yavorskiy


    About the author: Kochina M.L., А.V.Yavorskiy
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The research results of contrast sensation of 24 teenagers before and after two types of computer games («Doom 2», «Lines») and work with the text on paper data carrier are provided. It has been shown, that teenagers’ contrast sensation in all ranges of frequencies is brittle, as indicated by different initial values, obtained on different days. Different speed of presentation, coloring and emotional coloring of computer games don’t have significant influence on the dynamics indexes of teenagers’ contrast sensation. The main contrast sensation change direction after computer games playing is the significant lowering of bands. The work with the text on the paper data carrier leads to multidirectional changes of contrast sensation in different bands, and not just to the lowering of them. That is evidence of negative influence of electronic devices for information representation on contrast perception function.
    Tags contrast sensation, teenagers, computer game, paper and electronic data carrier
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(41) 1 part 2013 year, 037-041 pages, index UDK 617.755-036-053.2-053.6-053.81:028:612.843.35