About the author: |
Chernozub A. |
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Type of article |
Scentific article |
Annotation |
In the work otobrazhenы эksperymentalnыh the results of research about A Features Changes urovnja hormones cortisol and testosterone in the blood and atletov netrenyrovannыh yunoshey in response to ostruyu nestandartnuyu sylovuyu load. Established , that nestandartnoy Using sylovoy load, otlychayuscheysya Peak yntensyvnostyu neznachytelnom obъёme at work here most frequently USED IN athleticism , povыshaet Level yssleduemыh hormones in the blood in the process prodolzhytelnыh busy athleticism is not frozen here urovnja trenirovannosti yunoshey . However , the results pervychnoho control of hormonal response to predlozhennuyu load , demonstryruyut sufficiently suschestvennoe Reduction CONTENT cortisol and testosterone in the blood and so kak atletov netrenyrovannыh yunoshey . Been identified , in turn , that no such suspension character hormonal response to ostruyu sylovuyu load , fyksyrovannoho on protyazhenyy Trejo busy months athleticism , morfometrycheskye INDICATORS sylovыe and abilities of participants obeyh organism groups demonstryruyut polozhytelnuyu dynamics of growth. |
Tags |
hormonal reply, nestandartnыe sylovыe load , cortisol , testosterone , trenyrovochnыy process , sylovыe opportunities |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №4(42) 2 part 2013 year, 061-065 pages, index UDK 612.616.31: 577.175.5:796.015.62 |