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Mormol I.A. |
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Scentific article |
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Now necessity of the strict control arterial pressure (AP) is conventional at chronic diseases of kidneys. Inhibitors of receptors AT1R (BAR) are recognized all over the world as preparations of the first of some for treatment of renoparenchimal hypertensia . The purpose research – to study of clinical effect of Candesartan at patients with renoparenchimal hypertensia depending on a genotype. Survey 50 patients with inspected patients with renoparenchimal hypertensia on a background of chronic pyelonephritis, polymorphism of gene of angiotensin ll of the first type is certain. Patients appointed Kandesartan in doses of 8-32 мг, observed in current of 12 months. By results of research the genotype AA is revealed at 46%, AC at 48%, CC at 6% of patients. Allel A it is revealed in a genotype of 94%, allel C - 54% of patients of renoparenchimal hypertensia. A target level the AP will reach at 94,3% patients. Kandesartan has shown high clinical effect at all variants of polymorphism of gene AT1R. |
Tags |
renoparenchimal hypertensia, gene of receptor of angiotensin ll of the first type, candesartan |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №1(43), 2014 year, 049-054 pages, index UDK 615.711.5 |