About the author: |
Lutsenko R. V., Sydorenko A. G., Devyatkina T. O., Kolisnyk S. V. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
It was studied an influence of E -38 substance in 12 mg/kg in comparison with imipramin (25 mg/kg) on effects of arekolin (15 mg/kg) and nikotin (10 mg/kg) at intraperitoneal injection per 1 hour to an usage of cholinotropic analizators during experiments on 60 state white rats Wistar. It was registetred a latent period of tremor start (sec), tremor intensity and rectal temperature. An intake of vegetative analizator caused minor tremor of the body which lasted 25 min. Also arekolin decreased a body temperature of animals in 2-3 degrees compared with standard norms. An intake of a drug compared with imipramin continued a duration of the latent period of tremor start and decreased a duration of a tremor, prevented temperature’s decrease compared with control pathology. Preventive intake of 2-oxoindolin derivative increased a latent period of a tremor in 2,5 times compared with control pathology. Also a substance decreased general tremor’s duration and prevented a temperature’s increase after cholinomimetics’ intake. Nicotine’s intake is caused by excitation of H-choloreactive structures, tremor’s development and hypothermia. E 38 substance decreased duration of the latent period and duration of tremor’s nicotine in 1,4 times compared with control. |
Tags |
2-oxoindolin-3-glyoxylic acid derivatives, tremor, arekolin, nicotine |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №3(45), 2014 year, 125-128 pages, index UDK 615 + 616 – 092.9 |