About the author: |
Avetikov D.S., Yeroshenko G.A., Woo Viet Cuong, Lepskiy V.V. |
Heading |
Type of article |
Scentific article |
Annotation |
In this research studies the dynamics of the cytological changes in the festering wound at different stages of post-operative comprehensive treatment of the author's method of using the drug "Liping" patients with odontogenic phlegmons floor of the mouth. In the literature, found data on the use of lecithins in the complex therapy for the treatment of pneumonia, diseases, complicated heart, kidney, liver failure in conditions of tissue hypoxia, which prevents the restriction of the source of purulent inflammation and tissue regeneration, but information regarding the use of such therapy with the use of nanotechnology in combined treatment of odontogenic abscesses maxillofacial authors found. The authors found that the use of nanocapsules phosphatidylcholine complex treatment of patients with odontogenic phlegmon of the maxillofacial region reduces the timing of the repair process in the wound. Acceleration of hemostasis and faster recovery of microcirculation, respectively, oxygenation of damaged tissues, manifested significantly less than the average (30 to 50%) of unchanged and changed the surface of red blood cells in the biopsy specimens of wounds, indicating the effectiveness of the drug "Liping" in the treatment of patients with odontogenic phlegmons floor of the mouth. |
Tags |
abscess of the oral floor, cytology, inflammatory diseases, lecithin |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №4(46) 1 part 2014 year, 012-015 pages, index UDK [616.716+617.52]-002.36-085.243 |