About the author: |
Shatornaya V. F., Garets V. I., Kononova I. I., Stepanov S. V., Dichno N. I. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
The goal of this experimental work was to study the impact of low doses of lead acetate separate and lead acetate in combination with gold citrate or lead acetate in combination with silver citrate obtained using nanotechnology on the reproductive function and general course of rat’s embryogenesis. The combined injection of low doses of lead acetate + silver citrate or lead acetate + gold citrate observed an increase of the number corpora lutea of pregnancy, number of live fetuses, due to the decrease of general and pre-implantation embryonic mortality compared with the group with lead intoxication at almost the same weight of the embryos. The results of the experiment have shown that the administration of citrate gold or silver citrate against toxic lead acetate prevents the negative impact of the latter on the reproductive system and the processes of embryonic development and demonstrates their bioantagonizm. |
Tags |
lead acetate, gold citrate, silver citrate, embryogenesis, ovaries, toxicity, bioantogonizm |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №4(46) 1 part 2014 year, 170-174 pages, index UDK 611.12-034:591.33-092.9 |