About the author: | Vilkhova I. V. |
Type of article | Scentific article |
Annotation | Despite the fact that the drug abuse problem is in focus of contemporary research programs, there are a number of unsolved issues of morphological and functional changes in vital organs and systems caused by the chronic drug influence. There are a few studies describing the morphological changes of organs and systems using the experimental model of opioid addiction. The aim of the experiment was to study morphological changes of proximal convoluted tubules, nephron loops and distal convoluted tubules during the 6-week low doses opioid administration. The research subjects consisted of 24 mature male albino (Wistar) rats, weighting 160 to 170 gm. Intramuscular injections of opioid analgesic nalbuphine were made once daily for a period of 42 days with a 0.212 mg/kg of primary dose. Every two weeks of the study nalbuphine dose was increased within acceptable therapeutic range. All animals were kept in vivarium conditions and the work was done according to “Guide for the Use of Laboratory Animals”, corresponding to principles of the Helsinki Declaration. Experiments on animals were conducted in accordance to European Community Directive on November 24, 1986. Bioethics commission of Danylo Halytskyy Lviv National Medical University has defined that conducted scientific research comply with etical requirements according to the order of Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine №231 dated 01.11.2000 (protocol №2 dated 20.02.2012). Before the material collection, animals were put to sleep by intra-peritoneal thiopental administration (25 mg/kg). Histological preparations were made by the universal method. As a result of 6-week administration of opioid analgesic nalbuphine a number of pathological changes in nephron tubules were discovered. On the 2nd week of the study minor degenerative changes of proximal convoluted tubules and nephrone loops epithelium in the form of granular dystrophy were revealed. On the 4th week moderate alterations of nephrone tubules epithelium were discovered – signs of granular and hyaline-droplet dystrophy of proximal convoluted tubules, moderate necrotic changes of proximal convoluted tubules and nephron loops. After 6 weeks of the study significant alterations of nephron tubules epithelium were revealed – signs of granular and hyaline-droplet dystrophy of proximal convoluted tubules, expressed necrotic changes of proximal convoluted tubules and minor necrotic changes of nephron loops. The earliest changes, granular dystrophy, happened in proximal convoluted tubules and nephron loops epithelium granular dystrophy. During the study, alterations of mentioned nephrone parts were progressing and till the end of the experiment were the most expressed. After 42 days signs of granular, hyaline-droplet dystrophy and expressed necrotic changes in proximal convoluted tubules epithelium were revealed. Moderate alteration of nephron loops epitheliocytes were observed, such as signs of granular dystrophy and minor necrotic changes. During the study pathological changes of distal convoluted tubules were not revealed. |
Tags | kidney, nephron tubules, nalbuphine |
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Publication of the article | «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(50) 2 part 2015 year, 115-118 pages, index UDK 611.611-018-068:615.212.7 |