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    Sinetar E.A., Pokas E.V., Brych O.I.


    About the author: Sinetar E.A., Pokas E.V., Brych O.I.
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation Introduction. Pathogens catheter-associated urinary tract infections that vary during prolonged catheterization rapid acquisition of resistance to drugs, cause difficulty selecting empiric antibiotic through the formation of biofilm on the surface of catheters. Silver in ionic form characterized bactericidal, antiviral and antifungal action regarding pathogens that cause severe infection. Resistance to silver is slow. Moreover, silver ions are safe for human cells, which makes it an edge over many chemotherapeutic agents that are used with therapeutic and preventive purposes. Objective. To study the effect of silver ions on the formation of biofilm by strains of Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans in the association on the surface of silicone catheter. Materials and methods. The study was conducted using bacteriological and electron microscopic techniques. We determined the minimum inhibitory concentrations of silver ions by serial dilutions regarding E. faecalis. We studied antimicrobial effect pretreated with silver ions on the formation of biofilm catheter association strains. Results. It was established that the outer and inner surfaces of silicone catheter after 24 hours in vitro formed the main structural units biofilm - microcolonies C. albicans, which consist of tightly united yeast cells and observed lower levels of education microcolonies cells E. faecalis, in compared to C. albicans cells, the fragments studied catheter. While on the outside and the inside surface of the catheter treated with silver ions at a concentration of 0.002 mg / ml was observed the presence of single cell strains investigated the association. Conclusions. Processing silicone catheter silver ions at a concentration of 0.002 mg / ml leads to a reduction in the adhesion of cells studied strains and prevents the formation of microcolonies, which are the basic structural units of C. albicans biofilms and E. faecalis in the association on the surface of the catheter. The data indicate promising application of silver ions for surface treatment catheters to prevent the formation of biofilm microorganisms.
    Tags Enterococcus faecalis, Candida albicans, silicone catheters, silver ions, biofilm
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №3(52) 2 part 2015 year, 041-044 pages, index UDK 54-71+546.57:579.262+579.862+582.28