About the author: |
Zhdan V. N., Kapustyanskаyа A. A., Bobyrev V. M., Shilkina L. N., Shepitko V. I. |
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Type of article |
Review article |
Annotation |
GPs need to timely detect the first signs of hyperuricemia before the development gouty arthritis and metabolic disorders.Proved that, the timely correction of hyperuricemia can be prevent the development of future cardiovascular diseases, and renal lesions. That is why the use of diagnostic algorithm hyperuricemic syndrome is crucial in the daily practice of general practitioners in order to provide the prevention of irreversible complications, disability save patients and improve their quality of life. |
Tags |
hyperuricemic syndrome, diagnosis, uric acid, metabolic syndrome |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №3(51) 1 part 2015 year, 130-133 pages, index UDK 616.72-002.78-07 |