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Tereshkin K. I. |
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As a result of in-depth clinical examination of 96 patients it was found that prevailed patients with homozygous genotype BB, the frequency of which found significantly higher than the homozygous genotype and genotype bb Bb (respectively (45,8 ± 5,1)%, (19,8 ± 4,1)% and (34,4 ± 4,8)%, p <0.05). The absence of violations reported in the SPS CT (37,5 ± 4,9)% examinees with OA, including 27.2% homozygotes BB, 68,4% - bb homozygotes and heterozygotes 30.3%, and the presence of the allele in the genotype increases in the relative the risk of a more expressive destruction of articular cartilage. Generalized analysis indicator osteoarthritis gravity (W,%) and its components from patients with different types of polymorphism of VDR gene found significantly higher levels of manifestations of pain among homozygous second allele compared with homozygous for the first allele (respectively, (52, 3 ± 4 3)% and (39,7 ± 2,9)%, p <0.05), as well as manifestations of constraint (respectively (57,1 ± 4,6)% and (36.2 ± 3, 7)%, p <0.05). In homozygous for a second allele also diagnosed significantly more expressive limitations of daily activity (respectively (54,2 ± 4,4)% and (44,3 ± 4,3)%, p <0.05). Patients with critical excessive MTX most (more than 45.0%) were represented by a second allele homozygotes; homozygous for a second allele was also significantly predominated among those with OJ I in. (Accordingly, (15,6 ± 3,7)% and (16,7 ± 3,8)%). General patterns of serum apelin hormone OA patients depending on the index of the MT and the variant polymorphism VDR gene characterized in that in the case of homozygosity bb, with an increase in body weight, apelin content increases, whereas homozygosity for BB with growth BMI - High apelin content level is not changed. The relationship between VDR gene polymorphism and stage OA (such as X-ray equivalent of the severity of the process) was characterized by a predominance of homozygous alleles at BB and heterozygous patients more severe radiographic manifestations of articular cartilage lesions |
Tags |
gene polymorphism of the D vitamin receptor, osteoarthritis, obesity, apelin |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №3(57), 2016 year, 074-080 pages, index UDK 616.71/. 72 – 007. 24 – 002.2 – 07. 234 – 007 – 037: 575.174.015.3: 577.161.2 |