About the author: |
Маrchenko А. V., Gunas I. V., Petrushanko T. O. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
The article describe mathematical regression model of individual linear dimensions needed to build the correct form of the dental arch depending on the characteristics of odontometric and cephalometric indicators. Of the 18 possible linear dimensions needed to build the correct form of the dental arch in adolescent mesocephals with orthognathic bite depending on the characteristics of odontometric and cephalometric indicators built 17 reliable models with the determination coefficient from 0.806 to 0.980. Constructed models with a coefficient of determination more often than 0.6 most often include the size of the teeth (56.3%, of which 10.3% accounted on upper incisors, 10.3% - on lower incisors, 4.6% - on upper canines, 8 0% - on lower canines, 8.0% - on small upper molars, 13.8% - on lower small molars, 1.1% - on upper first big molars) than cephalometric indicators (43.7 %). Among the dimensions of the upper and lower incisors, canines, small and first large molar teeth models most commonly includes the following indicators: mesio-distal sizes of crowns of teeth (13.8%, of which 5.7% in the upper jaw); length of teeth (10.3%, of which 3.4% in the upper jaw); vestibular-tongue dimensions (9.2%, of which 3.4% in the upper jaw) and width dentin-enamel verge on mesio-distal direction (9.2%, of which 4.6% in the upper jaw). Among cephalometric performance models most often include: average width of the face (5.7%); inter-orbital width (5.7%); distance between nasion and prostion (3.4%). |
Tags |
boys with orthognathic bite, regression analysis, odontometric and cephalometric indicators of craniotype, building a correct form of the dental arch |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №2(60), 2017 year, 083-088 pages, index UDK 612.31-053.6:572.54 |