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  • Article
    Gasimzade G. Sh.


    About the author: Gasimzade G. Sh.
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation We examined 94 patients with retroperitoneal bleeding and kidney damage with closed abdominal trauma, the mean age of 33.22 ± 3.44 years. In 47.9% of the injured, the cause of the damage was an accident, 27.7% - a fall from the height, 14.9% - a stomach and waist and 9.6% in a sports jump. The sufferers made ultrasound and spiral CT. Immediately upon entering the presence of free fluid were detected in 87.2 per cent, on the next day - at 9.6% and after another day - 3.2% of sufferers. In 68.1% of cases was determined by the type of impregnation, at 31.9% - type of clots. With ultrasound the fuzzy contours detected in 100% of cases, the heterogeneity of the wheat plant's structure - at 83.3%, the increase in size at 61.1%, subcapsular changes of the parenchyma - in 16.7% of cases. More accurate and extensive information obtained with spiral CT. In patients with suspected HCC and kidney injury ultrasound should be performed immediately upon admission and again within 1-2 days. Spiral CT allows more accurate and clear picture of retroperitoneal bleeding, determine the severity of kidney injury and the condition of the structure of the parenchyma.
    Tags retroperitoneal bleeding, injury to kidney, ultrasound, spiral CT scan, free fluid, sonogram
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(62), 2017 year, 012-015 pages, index UDK 616.381: 616.001
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2017-4-62-12-15