About the author: |
G. M. Dubynska, T. M. Kotelevska, O. M. Iziumska, N. O. Pryimenko, V. A. Bodnar |
Heading |
Type of article |
Scentific article |
Annotation |
The article presents the experience of implementing distance technologies in postgraduate education of doctors at the Department of Infectious Diseases with Epidemiology of Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy», which promotes the continuous medical education, is one of the mechanisms for improving the quality of professional training and has economic efficiency. Under the conditions of intensive development of information technologies, further perspectives have been considered. |
Tags |
distance learning, postgraduate training of doctors, information technologies, webinar, Infectious Diseases |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №4(62), 2017 year, 209-212 pages, index UDK 37.018.43:378.6:61.46 – 021.68 |
10.26724/2079-8334-2017-4-62-210-213 |