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  • Article
    D. M. Korol, D. V. Kalashnikov, D. D. Kindiy, K. D. Toncheva, I. V. Zaporozhchenko


    About the author: D. M. Korol, D. V. Kalashnikov, D. D. Kindiy, K. D. Toncheva, I. V. Zaporozhchenko
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation Examining the masticatory function as the significant indicator of the patients’ dental health, the authors of the given article enhanced the masticatory test procedure. Since masticatory efficiency was determined in real time mode with the uses of man-made agar masticatory patterns of standardized shape and size. With this aim the recipe of agar gel preparation was improved, and special shadowless photobox with controlled lit area and shooting distance was developed and used. As well as, a particular plugin for automatic computer processing of digital image of the acquired masticatory test fragments was created. The process of chewing man-made patterns involved 95 young volunteers. Аuthors developed and used special plugin for automated masticatory test analysis. So the suggested enhancement of the algorithm of masticatory efficiency determination allows substantial changes in the quality of dental research and practice.
    Tags masticatory function, masticatory efficiency, masticatory test, masticatory test patterns
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №1(63), 2018 year, 036-039 pages, index UDK 612.311:616-07
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2018-1-63-36-39