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    I. M. Shevchuk, O. V. Novitsky, A. L. Shapoval, I. Ya. Sadovyi, A. S. Sverstyuk, S. S. Snizhko


    About the author: I. M. Shevchuk, O. V. Novitsky, A. L. Shapoval, I. Ya. Sadovyi, A. S. Sverstyuk, S. S. Snizhko
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The results of surgical treatment of 134 patients with ischiorectal and pelviorectal acute paraproctitis were analyzed. Among them 81 (60.4 %) were men, 53 (39.6 %) were women aged 19 to 78 years. Ischiorectal acute paraproctitis was diagnosed in 71 (52.9 %), retrorectal – in 21 (15.8 %), pelviorectal – in 17 (12.7 %), horseshoe – in 16 (11.9 %), panparaproctitis (pelvic phlegmon) – in 9 (6.7 %) patients. The use of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging for the diagnosis of acute paraproctitis was analyzed in 67 (50.0 %) patients. Establishing the location of the abscess in the pararectal cell spaces, visualization of the primary purulent course and the affected crypt, permitted performing primary radical surgery in 79.1 % (53/67) of patients in the main group. In the comparison group, primary radical surgery was performed in 48 % (32/67) of patients. According to the Bayesian formula, the probability of complications during non-radical surgery in the main group of patients was 0.31, and in the comparison group ‒ 0.43. The probability of no complications during non-radical surgery in the main group of patients was 0.69, and in the comparison group ‒ 0.57, which confirmed the efficacy of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with acute paraproctitis in the main group, relative to the comparison group.
    Tags acute paraproctitis, ultrasound examination, magnetic resonance imaging, surgical treatment, Bayesian formula
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(80), 2022 year, 183-188 pages, index UDK 616-073+616-073.763.5+616-089+616.352-007.253
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2022-2-80-183-188