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  • Article
    G. А. Yeroshenko, І. М. Donets, K. V. Shevchenko, N. A. Ulanovska-Tsyba, A. S. Grygorenko, V. M. Sokolenko, N. M. Sharlay


    About the author: G. А. Yeroshenko, І. М. Donets, K. V. Shevchenko, N. A. Ulanovska-Tsyba, A. S. Grygorenko, V. M. Sokolenko, N. M. Sharlay
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The paper presents the results of a morphometric study of the vessels’ lumen diameter of the large circulatory circle, as well as the vessels of the small circulatory circle of the rats’ lungs of under the complex effect of food additives. It was established that the use of a complex of food additives leads to a change in morphometric indicators, and in the early stages it was accompanied by spastic reactions of small circulatory circle pulmonary vessels and vessels of the microcirculatory of the large blood circulation, which was confirmed by a decrease in morphometric indicators of the lumen diameter. During the following periods of study, the vessels of the hemomicrocirculatory channel of the large circulatory circle responded by increasing the average values of morphometric indicators, and of all its links, as a result of the long-term action, first of all, of sodium nitrite on the smooth myocytes of the vessels of the resistive link and the action of compensatory and restorative mechanisms in response to an increase in pulmonary pressure vessels of the small blood circulation to the vessels of the exchange and capacitive links of the large blood circulation. At the end of the experiment, the morphometric indicators did not fully recover, the vessels of the large circulatory circle remained in a decompensated state, which was expressed by an increase in the average values of the morphometric indicators of the diameter of the lumen of the vessels.
    Tags monosodium glutamate,sodium nitrite,Ponceau-4R,blood vessels,lungs,rats
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №1(83), 2023 year, 197-202 pages, index UDK 616.24:612.08:599.323.4
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2023-1-83-197-202