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    Попадинець О. Г.


    Про автора: Попадинець О. Г.
    Тип статті Оглядова стаття
    Анотація Центальним органом кровотворення та імунного захисту є червоний кістковий мозок, який містить не тільки стовбурові кровотворні клітини, але й формує унікальне мікрооточення для їх проліферації і диференціювання. Саме він регулює вихід в периферичну кров зрілих формених елементів крові. Патологічними відхиленнями в системі крові вважаються збільшення або зменшення кількісного складу окремих клітин, а також зміни їх співвідношення відносно один до одного, або ж зміни їх форми.
    Ключові слова червоний кістковий мозок, хвороби системи крові, стовбурові клітини
    Список цитованої літератури
    • Ado A. D. Pathological Physiology: a textbook for Medical Universities / A.D. Ado [and others]. // - M .: Triada-X, - 2000. - 574 p.
    • Afanasyev Yu. I. Histology, embryology, cytology: a textbook / Yu.I. Afanasyev, N. A. Yurina, E. F. Kotovsky [and others] // - M.: Medicine, - 201 - 800 p.
    • Astrelina T. A. Evaluation of the quality and safety of cryopreserved multipotential mesenchymal placental stromal cells in clinical practice / T.A. Astrelina, A. E. Gomziakov, I.V. Kobzeva // Genes and cells. - 2013. - Vol. 8, № 4. - P. 82-87.
    • Banadiha N.V. Clinical aspects of iron deficiency anemia in children of early age / N.V. Banadiha, Ya.V. Rogalska // Perinatology and pediatrics. - 2013. - № 2. - P. 82-85.
    • Banadiha N.V. Influence of iron deficiency anemia in children on the formation of systemic immunity / N.V. Banadiha, Ya.V. Rogalska, I.O. Rogalsky // Modern Pediatrics. - 2014. - №. 3. - P. 40-43.
    • Bokova T. A. Iron deficiency states in adolescents: Principles of correction / T. A. Bokova, G. V. Maslikova // Doctor in charge. - 2014. - №9. - P. 49-51.
    • Belyh N.A. Prediction of the risk of anemia formation in infants / N. A. Belyh // Modern Pediatrics. - 2015. - № 1. - P. 34-39.
    • Vydyborets S.V. Iron deficiency anemia: [educational and methodological guide for students and postgraduate students of higher medical educational institutions of III-IV accreditation levels] / S.V. Vydyborets, S.M. Gaidukova, O.I. Chornobrova [and others] // - Vinnitsa; Borispol: Mercury-Podillya, 2012. - 237 p.
    • Vinogradova M.A. Anemia in pregnancy: algorithms for diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency / M.A.Vinogradova, T. A. Fedorova, O. V. Rogachevsky // Obstetrics and gynecology. – 2014. – № 8. – P. 137-142.
    • Herman S.I. Justification of the use of placental drugs in the complex treatment of generalized periodontitis: dissertation ... PhD in Medicine: 14.01.22 / S. I. Herman; Kharkiv state medical university  – Kharkiv, - 2003.  – 157 p.
    • Grishchenko V.V. Phagocytic activity of segmented neutrophil of rats with induced generalized periodontitis and its correction using cryopreserved extracts of human placenta / V.V. Grishchenko // Problems of ecological and medical genetics and clinical immunology: collection of the research works. – K., 2004.  – Ed. 5 (58).  – P. 59-68.
    • Grishchenko V.I. Achievements of cryobiology and cryomedicine in the name of the health of the nation / V.I. Grishchenko // Issues of Cryobiology. – 2008. –Vol. 18, № 3.  – P. 269-274.
    • Grishchenko V.I. Placenta: cryopreservation, structure, features, perspectives of clinical application / V. I. Grishchenko, T. N. Yurchenko, A.N. Goltsev [and others] // - Kharkiv: Brovin A.V., - 2011.  – 268 p.
    • Danilov R. K. Histology. Embryology. Cytology / R.K. Danilov. – M.: MIA, 2006. -454 p.
    • Erman M.V. Iron deficiency anemia in children / M.V. Erman // Modern Pediatrics .- 2014.- № 4. P. 22-25.
    • Zaporozhan V.N. Stem Cells / V.N. Zaporozhan, Yu. I. Bazhora // - Odessa: Odessa  medical university, - 2004.  – 227 p.
    • Zayko N. N. Pathological Physiology: Textbook / N. N. Zayko, Yu.V. Byts’, A. V. Ataman [and others] //  – М.: MEDpress-inform, - 2008.  –  635 c .
    • Zakharova I. N. Deficiency of iron in children of early age and methods of its correction / I. N. Zakharova, A. N. Goryainova, Ye. B. Machneva [and others] // Issues of modern pediatrics. – 2013.  – T. 12, № 2.  – P. 52-58.
    • Zakharova I. N. Anemia syndrome in pediatric practice: differential diagnosis and therapy / I. N. Zakharova, Yu. A. Dmitrieva // Modern Pediatrics.  – 2015. –  № 1.  – P. 23-28.
    • Kutsevlyak V.F. Experimental study of the state of the prooxidant-antioxidant balance of animals in the dynamics of induced generalized periodontitis and its correction with cryopreserved extracts of human placenta / V.F. Kutsevlyak, V.V. Grishchenko, Yu. V. Nikitchenko // Issues of cryobiology. – 2008. –  Vol. 18, № 4.  – P. 482-485.
    • Kazyukova T. V. The strategy of treatment of iron deficiency anemia in children of early age / T. V.Kazyukova [and others] // Pediatrics. G.N.Speransky Journal. – 2012. – Vol. 91, № 4. – P. 89-97.
    • Lipunova Ye.A. The system of red blood: Comparative physiology: a monograph / Ye. A. Lipunova, M. Yu. Skorkina.  – Belgorod: Publishing house BelGu, 2004.  – 216 p.
    • Lutsyk O. D. Human Histology: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions of III-IV accreditation levels] / O. D. Lutsyk, A. Y. Ivanova, K. S. Kabak, Yu. B. Tchaikovsky.  –4th ed.- K.: Knyha Plus, - 2013. – 582 p.
    • Maltseva T.V. Features of therapy of iron deficiency anemia in children of the first year of life in different types of feeding / T.V. Maltseva, S.P. Repina // Issues of practical pediatrics.  – 2012, T. 7, № 4. – P. 57-59.
    • Nikolayeva L.P. Features of the myelogram of bone marrow in tubular bones / L.P. Nikolaeva, D.V. Cherdantsev, N.S. Hvat // Modern issues of science and education. – 2015. – №4.
    • Pogranichna H. R. Replacement of postoperative bone cavities of jaws by osteoplastic material from placental tissue: abstract of a thesis for obtaining PhD in medicine / H. R. Pogranichna; Lviv National D. Halytsky Medical University.  – Lviv, - 2006. - 18 p.
    • Prokopyuk O. S. Cryopreservation of placenta of different degrees of maturity / O. S. Prokopyuk, A. Yu. Petrenko, V. Yu. Prokopyuk [and others] // Issues of cryobiology. – 2008. - Vol. 18, № 2.  – 220 p.
    • Prokopyuk O. S. Morphofunctional preservation of placenta fragments under different cryopreservation schemes / O. S. Prokopyuk, V. Yu. Prokopyuk // Problems of cryobiology.  – 2012. – Vol. 22, № 3.  – 264 p.
    • Serikov V.B. Human placenta as a source of hematopoietic stem cells / V.B. Serikov, F. Kuipers // Cellular transplantology and tissue engineering. – 2008. – T. III, №. 2.–  P. 51-56.
    • Tretyak N.M. Hematology. Textbook / N. M. Tretyak // - K. Foreign trade -2005, 240 p.
    • Tretyakova O. S. Algorithm for diagnostics of iron deficient states in pediatric practice / O. S. Tretyakova // Children's doctor. - 2014. - № 5. - P. 38-44.
    • Cherkasov V.G. Anatomy of a man / V.G. Cherkasov, S.Yu.Kravchuk; NMU, Bukovyn. DMU - Vinnitsa: Nova Knyha, - 2011. - 639 p.
    • Shabliy V. A. Gaining of mesenchymal stem cells from cryopreserved placental tissue / VA Shabliy, G.S. Lobyntseva, M.D. Kuchma [and others] // Cellular transplantology and tissue engineering. - 2010. - Vol. 5, № 3. - P. 52-53.
    • Shabliy V.A. Characteristic of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells obtained from human placenta / V. Shabliy, M. Kuchma, V. Kirik [and others] // Cellular transplantation and tissue engineering. - 2012. - T. VII, № 4. - P. 55-61.
    • Shabliy V. A. Cryopreservation of human placenta tissue - a source of hematopoietic progenitor cells and multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells / V. A. Shabliy, M. D. Kuchma, V. M. Kirik [and others] // Cellular transplantation and tissue engineering  – 2012. – Vol. 7, № 1. - P. 54-62.
    • Shabliy V. Mesenchymal stromal cells from the native and cryopreserved human placenta: phenotype, multipotency and migration potential in vivo / V. Shabliy, M. Kuchma, V. Kirik [and others] // Issues of cryobiology. - 2012. - T. 22, № 2. - P. 157-160.
    • Shchulipenko I.M. Clinical picture and diagnostics of syndromes and diseases of the hemapoietic system: a textbook for senior students of medical universities, masters, internists and cadets on specialty. "General Practice - Family Medicine" / I. M. Shchyulpenko, Yu. M. Goldenberg, T.V. Nastroh [and others] //. - Poltava: Techservice, 2011. - 325 p.
    • Yartseva V. Yu. A New View on the Prevention of Iron Deficiency Conditions in Children older than one year old / V.Yu. Yartseva // Doctor in charge. – 2012. – № 8. – P. 37-41.
    • Baker R. D. Diagnosis and prevention of iron deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia in infants and young children (0-3 years of age) / R. D. Baker, F. R. Greer // - Pediatrics. – 2010. – № 126 (5). – P. 1040–1050.
    • Bárcena A. Human placenta and chorion: potential additional sources of hematopoietic stem cells for transplantation / A. Bárcena, M. O. Muench, M. Kapidzic [et al.] // Transfusion. – 2011. –Vol. 51. – 94–105.
    • Jordan R. G. Prenatal and postnatal care : a woman-centered approach / R. G. Jordan, J. Marfell,J. Engstrom [et al.] // – Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell, - 2014. – 668 p.
    • Parolini O. Concise review: isolation and characterization of cells from human term placenta: outcome of the first international Workshop on Placenta Derived Stem Cells / O. Parolini, F. Alviano, G. P. Bagnara [et al.] // Stem Cells. – 2008. – Vol. 26. – P. 300–311.
    • Rodak B. Hematology: Clinical Procedure and Applications. – 2 nd ed. / B. Rodak [et al.] // – Philadelphia: WB Saunders, - 2002. – 835 p.
    Публікація статті «Світ Медицини та Біології» №3(61), 2017 рік , 181-184 сторінки, код УДК 616.15:614.2(477)
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2017-3-61-181-184