English Українська
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  • Submission requirements

    Materials for publication are accepted from specialists in the field of theoretical, preventive, experimental and clinical medicine, related disciplines, as well as research in the field of biological sciences with codes 091 “Biology” and 222 “Medical care”.


    Text of the article is sent in two separate files: the article and the extended abstract (see the structure below).

    The total volume of the original article, excluding the extended abstract, should not exceed 15 pages.


    Note: one page of the article corresponds to 250 words or 1,800 printed characters without spaces.


    The text is printed at 1.5 intervals without hyphens, Times New Roman font, 14th point in MS Word text editor and saved in .doc or .docx format. Paragraph indent – 1.25 cm using the “Paragraph” menu. Margins on all sides of 25 mm, without footers and page numbering.


    In the middle of the sentence, you should use the middle dash “” with spaces between.

    Between numbers, the middle dash is put without spaces (20192020).

    The hyphen “-” is used between compound words: health-related, self-healing.

    The long dash “” is not used in scientific articles at all.


    Separate the number from the percentage with a nonbreaking space (Ctrl + Shift + Space): 37 %


    In the English version of the manuscript, the whole part of the number is separated from the fractional one by a dot: 3.14


    Spaces are not placed between:


    Quotes: In the Ukrainian text, we write «Слово», in the English version – “Word”.

    References to sources are indicated by numbers in square brackets in ascending order, separated by a comma and a space between the sources: [3, 6].

    Abbreviations and acronyms should be mentioned for the first time in the introduction or materials and methods and should contain the full title. We do not use new abbreviations in the results.



    Tables and figures should complement, not duplicate, text.

    It is better to use graphs or diagrams instead of tables to compare data. The number of tables should not exceed 2.

    The total number of illustrative materials (figures and tables) should not exceed 6.



    Only scientific articles that contain the following necessary elements are accepted for publication:

    1. UDC index
    2. List of authors
    3. List of institutions
    4. Article title
    5. Present e-mail of the author
    6. Short abstract in English, key words
    7. Short abstract in Ukrainian, key words
    8. Number and title of the research project or research grant
    9. Introduction
    10. The purpose of the study
    11. Materials and methods (further – М and М)
    12. Results of the study and their discussion
      1. Results
      2. Discussion
    13. Conclusions
    14. References
    15. Contacts
    16. Extended abstract in Ukrainian

    1. UDC INDEX

    Is determined by international editions of UDC tables.


    Not more than 7 persons, are listed in the following order:

    Initials only before the last name!


    Each institution is written on a new line indicating the official name of the institution and the city, the upper affiliation index is placed before the institution

    (Attention!! The first institution is indicated without an index. Therefore, the second institution will have an index of 1, the third – 2, etc.).


    (CAPITAL LETTERS, not more than 14 words) must clearly reflect the content of the article and be specific, may not contain commercial names of medicines or medical equipment, must not contain general words or expressions.


    To communicate with the editors and potential readers of the article.


    An abstract of 100–150 words is presented in an unstructured form, without division into introduction, M and M and results. Regardless of the number of words, the text is presented in one paragraph. The abstract should not contain abbreviations and acronyms and should be clear to the reader in itself, without reading the full text of the article.


    Approximate scheme of the abstract:

    Phrases should not exceed 3–4 words in volume, so as not to complicate the perception of the article. Key words should be fully relevant to the issue, but should not repeat its title literally.

    English key word equivalents must match the descriptors МESH (Medical Subject Headings Index Medicus catalogs) https://meshb-prev.nlm.nih.gov/search



    List of authors, title of the article, then in accordance with paragraph 6,Short abstract in English, key words”



    Without mentioning the name of the department or institution: the Research Project must be valid at the time of the article’s publication.



    Recommended section extent: 1.52 pages of printed text (350500 words).

    Statement of the problem in general, analysis of recent research and publications in which the solution of this problem is initiated and on which the author relies, identification of previously unresolved parts of the general problem;

    Must contain at least 7 references to the literature for the latest 6–8 years; it is not allowed to use more than 3 references consecutively. The section should contain basic information about the subject of study and a brief justification of the materials relevance. All basic concepts, abbreviations and acronyms should be explained and deciphered in the introduction.

    References are given in square brackets in ascending order, separated by a comma and a space between the sources.

    The information in the introduction should correlate with the results of the study described in the discussion.



    Contains one sentence, which summarizes what problem or hypothesis the author solves, and for what purpose. The purpose should not copy the title of the article and should not contain abbreviations.



    Recommended section extent: 12 pages (250500 words).

    The section can contain no more than 5 references, and also tables/graphs with the description of the studied material distribution.

    Includes a detailed description of the research methodology (indicating the author of the methodology and reference to the relevant source in square brackets), the equipment on which it was performed, the criteria for selection of animals and patients (age, sex, weight, baseline), number and characteristics of patients, with their distribution by sex and age, if required for the study. The principle of patients’ distribution into groups, and also design of the study is obligatory specified. It is necessary to name all the medicines and chemicals used in the course of work, including their international non-proprietary (common) name.

    The trade name is indicated only once, in M and M when describing the treatment regimen, in other sections we describe the active substances or use the international non-proprietary name.

    We also describe doses, routes of administration, reagents (indicated in parentheses of the company and country of manufacture).

    This section should contain the maximum information – this is necessary for further possible reproduction of the results by other researchers, comparison of the results of similar studies and the possible inclusion of the data in the meta-analysis.

    This section indicates compliance with ethical principles (both local and international: compliance with the ethical principles of the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals; Declaration of Helsinki; informed consent of the patient). See more “Publication ethics and its violation.”

    At the end of the section “Materials and methods” there is a subsection “Data processing”, which indicates which data processing methods the author used (parametric, non-parametric) and the confidence interval/error. Separately note the software packages (year, version).

    If the study was randomized, the principle of randomization is indicated. Mean values are given as M±m, where M is the arithmetic mean, m is the standard error of the mean. In the text of the article and in the tables when specifying the reliability, it is desirable to give the full value of p (p=..., not p<...). Correlation coefficients should be given only with indication of their statistical significance, i.e. with the value of p, for example r=0.435; p=0.006.

    Measurement Units of physical values, hematological, biochemical and other indices of values used in medicine must be set out in units of the metric system (International System of Units [SI])




    Section extent: 57 pages of printed text (1,2501,750 words), references are not allowed.

    The results of statistical processing are indicated in both absolute and relative numbers. The section should contain a visualization of the obtained data: tabular materials, graphs, diagrams, figures, etc. The total number of visual and graphic elements should not exceed 6 units.

    The data are given very clearly, in the form of short descriptions with graphs, tables and figures (do not copy information, only one way of presentation is allowed).

    Graphs should be clearly calibrated along the axes. If several curves are given, their serial numbers must be indicated directly in the figure. Drawings, apart from diagrams, in the electronic version, it is desirable to provide in the РСХ extension, photos (not more than 4) – in JPEG.

    The percentage must be presented in the text of the article or table, while indicating the absolute value of the variable, which is taken as 100 %, for example 25 % of 120 patients. Another way is to indicate both percentages and absolute values, for example: 25 % (30/120) or 30 out of 120 patients (25 %).

    If you perform a sequential recalculation of percentages, i.e. calculate the percentage of percentages (percentage of the number of study objects in the previously described percentage subgroup), it is necessary to clearly describe this procedure and present the number of study objects taken sequentially for 100 %.

    The required accuracy of the given percentage values depends on the sample size:



    The volume of the section: 0.51 page, 68 references, is located after the results.

    References to the works of the manuscript’s co-authors are allowed, but not more than 2 units.

    The section should contain a brief analysis of the obtained statistical data, as well as the conclusions made by the author based on the processing of these data indicating the main mechanisms of structural and functional, physiological, pathophysiological changes, features of therapy results, informativeness of diagnostic methods, and correlation of data with the study results obtained by the researchers mentioned in the introduction.

    New and important aspects of the performed study results should be identified, possible mechanisms or interpretations of these data should be analyzed, and if possible compared to the data obtained by other researchers. You should not repeat information that has already been provided in the “Introduction” section and details from the “Results” section. The discussion can include sound recommendations for clinical practice and the possible application of the results in future studies.



    The volume of the section: 0.51 pages, it is desirable to number the conclusions.

    Conclusions must contain a mandatory justification of the statements using data (numerical) obtained during the study.

    In a few sentences summarize the work done: what is obtained, what it may indicate or what it may mean, what it serves to and what opportunities it opens up. Display prospects for using the results. Avoid claiming priority and referring to completed work.



    The list of references is formalized without abbreviations. Sources in the list of the literature used are presented in alphabetical order, according to the requirements of the Vancouver style.

    1. Recommended number of sources: not more than 15 and not less than 10.
    2. At least 50 % of sources must contain their own DOI indices
    3. Sources must be no more than 8 years old at the time of publication.
    4. 1 (one) self-citation is allowed for the entire list of references.
    5. 1–2 sources older than 10, but younger than 30 years are allowed, if these are methods of international importance, described by the author in the Materials and methods.

    WARNING! Russian-language sources and sources published in the Russian Federation are requested to be removed from the list of references and replaced with the works of foreign scientists.

    Sources arrangement:

    Sources are arranged in alphabetical order: first transliterated Ukrainian-language sources in the order of the Ukrainian alphabet (from а to я), followed by English, French, and other language sources according to the rules of the English language (from A to Z).

    For automatic transliteration, we recommend using the Google translate service indicating the source language.



    1. List of authors
    2. Title of the manuscript
    3. Title of the edition
    4. Year, number, volume of the edition
    5. DOI, if there is one
    6. After the source, the language is indicated in square brackets: [in Ukrainian], except for sources in English.



    Gosálvez J, Coppola L, Fernández JL, López-Fernández C, Góngora A, Faundez R, et al. Multi-centre assessment of nitroblue tetrazolium reactivity in human semen as a potential marker of oxidative stress. Reprod Biomed Online. 2017; 34(5) :513-521. doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2017.01.014.


    We write the surnames, then the initials of the authors, the alphabetical order is formed by the first letter of the surname.

    Inscription et.al. is allowed if more than 6 authors are listed in a row, otherwise we list all authors.

    Remove dots, commas and spaces after the initials.

    Slashes (//), dashes, apostrophes are not allowed. All elements of the source are separated by dots.


    15. CONTACTS

    At the end of the article, it is necessary to indicate the name of the contact author, phone number to contact the editorial office and the address of Nova Poshta to send a free copy of the journal.



    Recommended volume: 350500 words or 1.52 pages. The extended abstract is written exclusively in Ukrainian.

    The abstract should contain:

    The extended abstract is submitted as a separate file.

    Review papers

    The journal publishes review papers on current medical problems, based on a thorough literature analysis over the past 5 years.

    A review paper and its abstracts do not provide for the division into purpose, material and methods, research results and conclusions, which are mandatory for original papers.

    The paper is presented in an arbitrary style. It should reveal the essence of the problem, its resolved and unresolved aspects. The use of color schemes, figures, and graphs is important. Mandatory elements are summaries and promising ways to solve this problem. The list of references contains more than 30 literary sources published over the past 5 (five) years in journals indexed in the Scopus/Web of Science databases. The requirements for writing a list of references are identical to those for clinical and experimental papers. See the link: https://womab.com.ua/en/article-requirements#references

    Review papers should contain information on literature search methods using Scopus, Web of Science, MedLine, The Cochrane Library, EMBASE, Global Health, etc. databases.


    The recommended length of the review paper is 20–30 pages.

    Clinical case

    This section contains articles on the latest international consensus on diagnosis and treatment, new international classifications of diseases and clinical observations of rare diseases.

    Clinical observation articles are intended to familiarize practising experts with rare diseases, course features, diagnosis and treatment. The structure of this type of article is similar to original research but differs in several features.

    – The Introduction provides statistical data on the frequency of rare pathologies and the features of their manifestation, diagnosis, and treatment described by other authors.

    – The Results present personal observations of rare pathologies and their clinical and laboratory or pathomorphological features and provide the main illustrative material (tomograms, ultrasound images, macroscopic microphotographs, etc.). The main differential diagnostic features of the described rare pathology or features of its treatment are discussed. The requirements for writing a list of references are identical to those for clinical and experimental papers. See the link: https://womab.com.ua/en/article-requirements#references


    The recommended length of the clinical case is 6–8 pages.

    If you have any questions about the formatting or submission of data, we recommend that you read the previous issues of the journal.

    The editors are able to edit the article without losing the essence, as well as the right to reject articles, which did not comply with the editorial requirements during the preparation of the article. Printed materials are not returned to the author. If the author in the process of preparation for publication revised the article, the date of receipt is the day of receipt of the final text.

    Articles are edited and reviewed by members of the editorial board - leading experts in the relevant fields of biology and medicine.

    The editorial board according to the publication plan of the journal approves the order of publication of articles. The editors inform the author about all changes in the status of consideration of his article. If the participant disagrees with the editorial policy, the article may be withdrawn from publication without the right to reprint this article in this journal.

    We would like to inform the authors that due to the short deadlines for preparing articles for publication, the author is obliged to notify the editorial office about the receipt of the letter within 3 days after receiving comments from the editors. Moreover, within 7 days from the date of receipt of comments, make the necessary changes to the article and send a corrected version.

    In case of non-compliance with the deadlines for making changes, the editors of the journal reserve the right to refuse the author's publication or postpone the publication of the article to a later date, which is determined by the editors

    The main reasons for rejecting articles

    1. The article does not pass by technical parameters

    • In the article reveals elements that may be plagiarized or contained in articles that are currently filed in other scientific journals (reprinting an article or its parts, submitting an article to several magazines simultaneously, using texts and illustrations without permission of their rightholder). More in detail with ethical principles it is possible to familiarize on a site Elsevier;
    • The manuscript is fragmentary, incomplete, i.e. It may lack such key elements as the name, authors and their institutional affiliation, the text of the article, keywords, bibliographic list, tables, formulas, etc;
    • The level of the English language on which the article is submitted is insufficient for the possibility of its consideration by the expert council;
    • Formulas, drawings, diagrams, etc. The illustrative material is not sufficiently readable and recognizable;
    • The article does not correspond to the "Rules for Authors" of a separate magazine, to which it is submitted;
    • The links in the article are incomplete or outdated (too old).

    2. The article does not correspond to the "Objectives and tasks of the journal"

    • For example, for the magazine "Cabron" the material studied in this article may contain carbon, but should not be carbon;
    • The article deals with carbon material, but the focus of the research is on something else;
    • The article does not contain scientific novelty in the field of carbon studies.

    3. Article is incomplete

    • The article contains some observations that are not a full-fledged study;
    • The article takes into account some important research, but ignored other important studies (there is incomplete or one-sided coverage of the scientific discourse).

    4. Research methods are unsatisfactory

    • In the article there is no clear group of subjects under study, there are no clear parameters for their comparison;
    • The methods of research do not correspond to the generally accepted scientific methods and procedures (these procedures can not be repeated, and the results of research obtained by non-standard methods can not be verified);
    • The analysis does not have sufficient statistical justification or is carried out outside the norms and rules that are universally recognized in a particular scientific field.

    5. Conclusions are not substantiated in the text of the article

    • Arguments are illogical, unstructured or erroneous;
    • The data do not confirm or justify the conclusions;
    • Conclusions ignore a significant array of scientific literature on the topic of the article.

    6. The text of the article on the basis of another work by the author

    • The text of the article is an expanded version of other works or scientific reports of the author or his co-authors, and the results of the research are secondary, not contributing any contribution to the development of the scientific field;
    • The work is clearly part of a larger study, divided into the maximum possible number of separate articles for scientific journals.

    7. The article is incomprehensible

    • The language of the article, its structure, illustrations, calculations, formulas and other elements are so insignificant that they can not be evaluated in the scientific community. Even English speakers may need help.

    8. The article is boring

    • Article irrelevant, clearly "archival" or "statistical" nature, marginal in relation to the scientific field;
    • The problems of the article, as well as the questions that are put and actualized in it, are not of interest to a particular scientific sphere or scientific community;
    • The study is not capable of provoking interest in the readers of the scientific journal.

    More information about the requirements for scientific articles you will find on article submission page from Elseiver, which contains step-by-step instructions and additional explanations.